Ian is blogging..

Ian is blogging..

Ian and I have been travelling in the same digital gov/Twitter/blog/unconference circles for many years - though mainly it has been about disagreeing on what constitutes the West Country (he basically thinks Bristol is oop north, and I think Plymouth is basically France) and agreeing that going to London is a necessary evil at best.

What is your blogs URL?

When did you first start blogging? Do you remember your first post? Is it still online?

2013 my first post is here https://skipster2k2.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/ok-here-goes/

What platform did you start with?


What do you use now?

A hodgepodge of Hugo/GitHub/netlify

Do you remember the first blog/blogger you regularly followed?

I think it was Rob England, the IT skeptic, he was on a similar journey from ITIL to DevOps as me: http://www.itskeptic.org/blog.html

What is the biggest benefit you get from the practice of blogging?

Coalescing my thoughts and getting others views on interesting topics

Do you have a writing routine for your blogging?

No, I occasionally get together with Neil Vass and Mark Dalgarno to blog together but it's mainly #excuse-club we have a habit of posting the latest excuse in the slack channel description! I used to weeknote but have stopped since freelancing, I keep thinking about starting again but find it hard to do between different contracts (that's 90% excuse though)

What advice would you give somebody who is thinking about starting blogging?

I've always found it really useful to pull together a jumble of thoughts, the process of blogging is more useful than the output sometimes. The feedback and different viewpoints you get from publishing are worth embracing the fear for.