Cathy is blogging...

Cathy is blogging...

I've been following Cathy a long time on social media but I really became aware of her blogging due to a series of posts about their leadership journey and experiences as part of the Future Leaders scheme - which were open and insightful in a really compelling way.

When did you first start blogging? Do you remember your first post? Is it still online?

2014 - still online, I remember exactly why I wrote it.

What platform did you start with?


What do you use now?

My own blog built with Eleventy and hosted on netlify

Do you remember the first blog/blogger you regularly followed?

More sites than people CSS tricks, A list apart, smashing magazine. The first person I remember following is Harry Roberts. I look out for anything by Adam Argyle or anything Gov design related.

What is the biggest benefit you get from the practice of blogging?

Therapy, and the chance to speak to people I would never have spoken to before.

Do you have a writing routine for your blogging?


What advice would you give somebody who is thinking about starting blogging?

If you want to do it, then go for it. But write about things you care about or want to say. Don’t do it with any expectations.